✦ "I see everything, that is my curse."

server, Balmung data center Crystal
✓ walk ups. ✓ tells. ✓ mature rp. ✓ Erotic rp.
✓ Mare.

“Flowers don't worry about how they're going to bloom. They just open up and turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful.”

© carrd template by paletterph.


name Shi-O Pon aliases Little doll age unknown looks in their 20's nameday Unknown. gender She/Her, Cis Female.
orientation Straight. [I swear to god please respect that.] species Hyur/Viera. {Padjal.} birth place Shroud. residence Lavender Beds. profession White mage. patron deity Halon Relationship single
• intelligence ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
• wisdom ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
• charisma ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
" Dead flowers that one flourished.. sacrificed.Severed from the source and left to scorch,Under foreign burning lights.Placed in a vase half filled with purified water. Admired for your perfumed petals and striking red fingers,then discarded once you withered. All things must fade, those that admire just hurry the process along. "
* ▊▊ voice claim: Rebekah from The Originals.
• dexterity ★★★★★★★★☆☆
• strength ★★★★★★★★★★
• constitution ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
the soul.
the personality A quiet, soft-spoken woman with a sharp tongue when the situation calls for it, she conceals her flaws behind a sweet smile and a humble demeanor. Her deepest vulnerabilities remain closely guarded, never once considering letting a stranger into such a cherished part of herself.A stranger? As polite as they come, the young woman’s manners are flawless. Her soft-spoken voice flows gently, whether to ear or horn. She smiles through every conversation, maintaining steady eye contact, always attentive. A good listener, though perhaps a touch naïve.
Friends? Shi-o adores her She shows her love for her friends in many ways—even through her well-meaning, yet often disastrous, attempts at cooking a meal she'll hope they'll enjoy, only for it to end in chaos. Outgoing, bubbly, and as bright as a star, she always aims to be the life of the party when surrounded by those she holds dear.Lover? This is uncharted territory for the young woman, but her kind-hearted nature remains unchanged. Perhaps now, though, she’s a little more bashful, nervous, and prone to stumbling over her words.Enemy? There are few she would claim to hate, but if she ever does, nothing will hold her back. This young woman will either rise above the situation or, if pushed too far, become the bigger—and far harsher—force.

& key items.
important items commonly found in their inventory.

Ornate hair pin A heartfelt Namesday gift from a young Padjal she mentors magic, this item holds immense sentimental value. She often weaves it into her updos, cherishing it as a beloved keepsake.

Compact Hand mirror
A delicate golden hand mirror shaped like a morpho, this treasured family heirloom carries a tragic past. Its gilded plates are marred by a deep crimson stain—a haunting reminder of when it was retrieved from her sister’s lifeless grasp after a Voidsent attack.

Trinket keeper
Brimming with an assortment of crystals and small trinkets gathered from her travels across Eorzea and beyond, this pouch is said to be enchanted. Rumors claim it can hold anything her heart desires—even a Malboro, should she so wish.

Necklace of protection
As its name implies, this crystal was designed as a protective charm for the Padjal to wear when traveling alone. A gift from a trusted friend, it lies buried among the cluttered contents of her satchel, tucked away with her other belongings. Yet, she frequently forgets to wear it.
the history.

Shi-o was born in the dense, mystical Shroud, the daughter of a Viera and a Hyur. From birth, she bore the blessing of the elements marked by white horns and an innate bond with the forest. As she came of age, the Padjal of the Conjurers’ Guild took her from her home, recognizing her potential and guiding her into their ranks.In her youth, she was an obedient child, quick to distinguish right from wrong and follow instructions without question. Trained alongside her Padjal kin, she endured rigorous lessons in conjury, honing her connection to the land. Despite the challenges, she excelled where many struggled, particularly in the delicate art of aetherial control. Years of discipline, battles fought alongside the Wood Wailers, and relentless study sharpened her abilities both on and off the battlefield. Yet, even amid duty, she carved out time for her own pursuits.Through tireless dedication to the forest’s protection, coupled with her natural talent in magic and leadership, she earned the rare honor of teaching alongside the eldest Seedseer and the Conjury Guild Master. White magic coursed through her, allowing her to hear even the faintest whispers of the elementals in her daily life. And yet, despite the prestige of her role, a quiet resentment festered within her.Her talents did not go unnoticed, securing her a place within the Gridanian government, where she managed affairs both within the city and throughout the Twelveswood. Though the looming end times cast a shadow over the star, a relative peace settled, granting her the freedom to embrace another side of herself. She turned to art, her creativity flourishing beyond the expectations placed upon her. Under an anonymous moniker, she became a renowned painter, her work celebrated across Eorzea a hidden passion that, for once, belonged solely to her.It was widely known that her artwork carried a magical essence, with whispers circulating that it held some sort of power. Some claimed it could bless you with the sweetest dreams, free of nightmares, or offer a protective charm for your home. This enchanted quality made her creations highly coveted, with buyers constantly asking, "Who is the masked artist from Gridania?" All unknown to the artist, her aether seeped into each painting, every stroke of her paintbrush sealed the fate.


mbti ENFJ-T dnd Lawful Good:
likes Romance novels, Picking flowers,painting, dancing. dislikes Voidsent, cold water, bland food. fears VOIDSENT, being lost, snakes.
hobbies Painting, drawing, gardening, sewing skills Singing, dancing, writing, organizing, public speaking.
" Queen of the night "
Gridania Her home, a city where all of her time is mostly spent at her estate or wandering the streets. conjurers guild Where she feels the most comfortable surrounded by people that are just like her. honey bee inn she likes to visit her friends that work there.
Sweet tooth
This young woman has an undeniable sweet tooth, relishing treats at any time whether it’s a drink at the local tavern or part of her breakfast. Admittedly, indulging in so much sugar may not be the healthiest of habits.
Preforming arts
She never stops talking about her passions, from drawing and painting to everything in between. With a diverse range of artistic skills, including painting and piano playing, she has dedicated years to these pursuits. Her talent spans five different art forms, reflecting both her skill and unwavering commitment.
It’s widely known that she harbors a hidden power. Alongside the elemental gifts she was born with, she channels this energy into tarot reading, a practice that complements the battle-honed skills she honed under the guidance of the elder Seedseer and other esteemed Padjal.
Aether flows abundantly through her, and she possesses it in great supply, primarily using it for healing and other needs. While her methods are aether-based, she is also skilled in traditional medical techniques when required. She always makes a conscious effort to seek consent from those she helps before using her power.
White mage
An uncommon job class, one might wonder if she teaches white magic.
Due to a rare genetic condition, the woman cannot see without the aid of aether. She claims to rely on Aethersight, though that is merely what she lets you believe a hidden truth concealed beneath the mask of a birth defect or a curse.

basic etiquette *
01. IC Is Ic, I am not my character and I will Never be them. Role-playing 'RP' tag means I'm in character. If I don't have it it on, I am not Role-playing 'in character'.02. If something makes you uncomfortable, please let me know. My character often at times stays in a more mature themed role-play. I understand some topics can bring other discomfort.03. I am not looking for any type of OOC relationship more than friends, sorry. I am not interested.04. I will Never play my character's death and I wish for this to be respected.05. Please no ooc drama, I don't and will not put up with that. And you will be blocked, sorry. (I'm really not sorry teehee)06. My character is straight, she prefers men. Masculine or feminine. She will not sleep with you/flirt if you are a woman or identify as one. If the writer keeps pestering of forcing their character on her, i will block you and stop our rp. Be respectful or i won't when i block you.
preferred themes *
Slice of Life, Magical, adventures, nightlife,Mystery, comedy, romance
Salem | 30 | any
things to avoid *
In character and out of character, you're a grown ass adult learn to control your emotions. It's role-play not even that deep.God modding [insta block]
Knowing things out of scenes and applying it into our role-play, ig being mad at me because of whatnot and making your character mad at her.
about me *
LGBTIQA+ .Pst time zone,California!**☾. Hi there, I enjoy writing and typing out various types of character stories and creating a vivid world for them to thrive in.I would prefer to role-play with people who are 21+.Also why do you want to know about me, weirdo! /s.

hook one Dreadful past
*› requirements: voidsent,void touched persons.
A curse from a Voidsent that left Shi-O with a deep sensitivity to Voidsent and otherworldly beings. The markings, written in runes, once covered her skin. Now, they are concealed with a trusted glamour, maintained weekly. However, these markings may become visible if encountered by a Voidsent or someone touched by the Void.
hook two Padjal in a strange land
*› requirements: White magic users, other padjail; gridania residents, onlookers.
It’s unusual to see a Padjal so far from the woods—what could they possibly be doing so far from home? Even stranger is their solitude, unaccompanied by the usual protection or guidance of others.
hook three Music to my ears
› requirements: none, or any prerequisites for this hook.
It’s no secret that this woman is passionate about all things art, but her greatest love is music.

character name
write a little bit here on what this character means to yours, or how they met and their bond has grown. write a little bit here on what this character means to yours, or how they met and their bond has grown. write a little bit here on what this character means to yours, or how they met and their bond has grown.
relationship type bonded, friends, rivals, enemies, sibling, etc.
character name
write a little bit here on what this character means to yours, or how they met and their bond has grown. write a little bit here on what this character means to yours, or how they met and their bond has grown. write a little bit here on what this character means to yours, or how they met and their bond has grown.
relationship type bonded, friends, rivals, enemies, sibling, etc.
character name
write a little bit here on what this character means to yours, or how they met and their bond has grown. write a little bit here on what this character means to yours, or how they met and their bond has grown. write a little bit here on what this character means to yours, or how they met and their bond has grown.
relationship type bonded, friends, rivals, enemies, sibling, etc.